The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) is a unique place to work because no other organization in the world — be it private, public, governmental, for-profit, or non-profit — does what we do. For more than 40 years, INPO has focused on a clear mission:
Promoting the highest levels of safety and reliability
- promoting excellence -
in the operation of commercial nuclear power plants
A symbolic artifact greets everyone entering INPO’s front doors. Created in 1988, the marble engraving of “Excellence” originally was part of an INPO advertisement in Nuclear News magazine. The last letter in “Excellence” is unfinished, symbolizing the never-ending nature of the nuclear power industry’s quest for excellence.
The members we serve include nuclear power stations and fleets from around the world. INPO partners with members through a mix of integrated performance monitoring, evaluations, member support missions and peer reviews. We accredit member training programs, ensuring they meet all regulatory standards. We develop and share operating experience, insights and continuous lessons learned to help each member achieve sustained excellence.
INPO influences the way our members create and sustain corporate cultures of continuous improvement that drive excellence in operational safety and performance every day.
Come join our mission.