our Partners

Working Together to Foster Safety and Reliability Across the Nuclear Industry

Collaborating for Nuclear Excellence

At INPO, we collaborate with domestic and international organizations to monitor trends, set operating standards, and share best practices. Our partners play an integral role in our mission to promote safety and reliability in nuclear operations. Through these strategic partnerships, we enhance teamwork, drive continuous improvement, and ensure the highest standards are met across the entire nuclear industry. Learn more about our partners and how they contribute to our shared goals of excellence and safety.

  • American Nuclear Insurers

    A joint underwriting association that acts on behalf of member companies. ANI directly writes nuclear liability insurance for nuclear facilities in the U.S. and assumes reinsurance shares on nuclear business written by select nuclear pools and mutual insurers throughout the world.

  • Department of Energy

    Manages nuclear infrastructure and administers U.S. energy policy. The DOE also funds scientific research in the field and oversees 17 National Laboratories.

  • Electric Power Research Institute

    Independent non-profit energy research, development, and deployment organization. Its experts collaborate and innovate worldwide to ensure clean, safe, reliable, affordable and equitable access to electricity.

  • International Atomic Energy Agency

    Global intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field. IAEA works for safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.

  • Japan Nuclear Safety Institute

    Coordinates self-regulation of Japan’s nuclear industry. Also functions as a civilian third-party organization to encourage operators’ voluntary pursuit of excellence.

  • Nuclear Energy Institute

    The policy organization of the nuclear technologies industry, based in Washington, D.C. NEI works with members to develop policy on legislative and regulatory issues.

  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    Agency created by Congress to ensure safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes. The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials through licensing, inspection and enforcement.

  • World Association of Nuclear Operators – Atlanta, London, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo Regional Centers

    Through a network of regional centers, unites every company and country with an operating commercial nuclear power plant to achieve the highest possible standards of safety. WANO works to assess, benchmark and improve performance through mutual support, exchange of information and best practices. (INPO operates WANO’s Atlanta Center and is a member of WANO.)

  • Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited

    Provides nuclear power insurance, loss prevention and risk transfer solutions. NEIL’s coverage areas include damage to property, site decontamination and decommissioning costs, and costs associated with interruptions of electricity supply.