Gateway to the Global Nuclear Community

The world of “new nuclear” and advanced reactor development holds great opportunity. At the same time, it carries potential risk and profound responsibility for owners and operators.

And it’s presenting questions that no one group can answer alone.

As you work to get new ideas and new projects off the ground, you need assurance that you’re developing an organization that is ready to start up and operate safely, that your plant design will meet expectations for reliability and resilience, and that you’re leveraging industry best practices and lessons learned each step of the way.

You also want to be sure you’re plugged in to the broader nuclear industry.

Created by the industry, for the industry

Self-regulating - Non-profit membership organization - Dedicated to the mutual support and success of every member

INPO exists to help all members build and sustain operational excellence.

As the industry’s global standard-bearer for nuclear safety, reliability, and a sustained culture of continuous improvement, INPO can help you take advantage of centuries of combined learning and industry-wide operating experience.

About INPO members

20+ utilities

26 suppliers

90+ operating reactors

8 reactors under construction

Helping members uncover hidden risk and answer crucial questions

  • How will you handle training and accreditation of your facility operators?

  • Who would you call for help if an incident or accident occurred at one of your sites?

  • How will your ability to operate safely affect your ability to secure affordable commercial insurance coverage?

  • Do you and your team have access to and understand detailed data on operating experience from across the industry?

  • How will you be alerted to trends emerging across the industry, such as supply chain issues, equipment challenges or behavior or cultural patterns affecting safety and reliability?

  • Do you fully understand blind spots you may have in standing up operations relative to critical functions such as training and safety?

  • How are you protecting your business against an event that occurs at another facility?

The value of INPO membership

  • Our vast repository of industry data and staff experience spans thousands of cumulative years of different reactor designs, construction and operations experience. We provide members with historical and real-time quantitative and qualitative industry performance data and predictive models that help members benchmark projects and performance across numerous dimensions of safety and reliability.

    This data is delivered to members in strategically meaningful views using INPO proprietary technologies purpose-built for members, enhancing members’ ability to make data-driven decisions.

    Additionally, the ongoing investments INPO makes in technology development mean that members benefit from advanced analytics and strategic views into KPIs without having to take on the complexities of building their own data feeds and reporting tools.

  • Through a robust framework of event reports, in-depth analyses, best practices reports, operating standards and other strategic deliverables, we provide members with clear direction and concrete recommendations to support their safe and reliable operations. Members agree to implement those standards and to support fellow members in implementing them.

    Among the many topic areas where we provide guidance to members:

    • Performance improvement

    • Safety culture

    • Talent management

    • Threat assessment

    • Organizational resiliency

    • Emergency response

    • Radiation protection and chemistry

    • Plant reliability

    • Equipment issues and advancements

    • Event-related communications

    • Teaching and learning

    • Operating incident analyses and case studies

    • Operations and maintenance trends and challenges

  • Peer reviews, member site visits, corporate evaluations, technical assistance visits, recovery visits and other forms of independent support help our members monitor performance, avoid surprises, respond to operations challenges, and identify opportunities for improvement. INPO experts work with members as trusted advisors and collaborators, and all interactions and assessment are held in strict confidence.

  • Members benefit from numerous community-building and networking opportunities, such as these:

    • Talent loanee programs

    • Highly engaged industry working groups and communities of practice

    • Member-only conferences and events such as our annual CEO Conference, and quarterly supplier and industry executive roundtables

    • Advisory boards that give you an opportunity to shape INPO strategy and the future of the industry

  • The nuclear industry relies on an extremely talented, uniquely skilled workforce to operate safely and reliably. Accreditation of training programs through the INPO-administered National Academy for Nuclear Training (NANT) and the independent National Nuclear Accrediting Board ensures initial and continuing education programs build and refresh operator knowledge and skills. This widely respected program is the only independent means recognized by the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) as meeting industry training requirements.

  • Emerging and seasoned nuclear leaders must be prepared to take on both known and unforeseen operational, organizational and culture challenges as they strive to meet regulatory requirements, achieve sustained excellence in safety, and create adaptive, resilient organizations. INPO offers in-person and online training designed to cultivate the skills required by first-line supervisors up through boards of directors. Both inside and outside of specific coursework, our instructors serve as mentors, sharing extensive industry experience, relevant real-life examples, and personalized insight to equip leaders for the present and the future.

  • Whether it’s potential business partners, investors, shareholders, insurers or regulators, membership in INPO is a clear declaration of willingness to collaborate with other members of the commercial nuclear industry and your commitment to excellence in safety and continuous improvement.

  • INPO serves as a unifying body for the industry. In this role, we connect members, lead collective solutions to tough challenges, and facilitate support and collaboration across operators and suppliers. This can be particularly powerful as new opportunities and new challenges arise in areas like training, supply chain, and operating events as the industry continues to evolve. Our members formally commit to collaboration with members and to transparency with INPO, ensuring members benefit from one another’s experience and that no member is ever alone or marginalized when the unexpected occurs.

To Learn How INPO Can Enable Your Success

If you’d like to explore what INPO membership can mean for your business and your current or future projects, please contact us: